Vi is…

. . . interested in the intimate details of the intentional life. To what extent is my awareness of myself as an expression of a divine articulated through various physical actions or presence? I seek a more eloquent framework with which to ask these questions and perhaps expand my understanding of the role of body and presence in ministry. My art, my practice, has always been about the body—what it invites, what it confronts, the history it carries, what is known by the body through interactions with other objects, creatures, people and surfaces. Recognizing the presence of the body, my work must also consider the absenting of the body in perpetual confrontation with systems that slice me, us, apart. My work aims to reckon with this barrage of fragmentation by laying bare the wounds of categorization and creating a communion with the pieces. The body sits, vulnerable, in the center of this endeavor and invites, even relies on, engagement. Thus, meaning is ultimately situated in an ongoing negotiation between others and the sacred.